Alistair Wilson Case File

Alistair Wilson
This case is different to the previous two I've looked into, although it is still unsolved, its confirmed that the victim was murdered (not missing like the past two cases). Alistair Wilson, a father of 3, was shot dead on his doorstep over 15 years ago, however police and investigators are still frustrated and puzzled by the case and the circumstances surrounding the crime. It has been described as "one of the most baffling cases of recent times." Just like every other case, everyone has their own opinion so lets have a look at the details...

  • Alistair Wilson was a 30 year old business banking manager from Nairn, Scotland (near Inverness).
  • Both Alistair and his wife are putting their children to bed on the 28th of November 2004 when the doorbell rings.
  • Alistair wife, Veronica goes downstairs and answers the door to a stranger who simply says 2 words "Alistair Wilson".
  • Despite Veronica's surprise she does not feel uncomfortable, leaving the door open while she fetches Alistair from upstairs.
  • A short while later, Alistair returns upstairs with an envelope addressed to "Paul", which was handed to him by the man at the door, however Alistair and Veronica were both very confused by this.
  • Alistair returned back downstairs to see if the man was still around, minutes later shots rang out and Alistair lay lifeless on his own doorstep.
  • Veronica rushed to his side, saw the man walking away in the distance and no sign of the envelope.

Crime scene investigators processing the crime scene
Crime Scene Investigators at Alistair's Home
Crime scene investigators carrying evidence away from the doorstep
CSI's collecting evidence from the doorstep


  • Did the killer target the wrong Alistair Wilson?
  • Both Alistair and Veronica's life had been analysed in detail multiple times by different investigating bodies, nothing suspicious or suspect was found.
  • Veronica is certain that there is no 'dark secret' in her husbands past, she is convinced that if he had survived, he wouldn't have been able to tell her why he was targeted.
  • Veronica knew Alistair inside out and feels like if there had been a secret, she would have known about it.
  • This theory still hasn't been ruled out by police, despite speaking to various "Alistair Wilson's" around Scotland.

Newspaper headlines saying that police investigate numerous Alistair Wilsons
Newspaper headlines at the time of the murder


  • Alistair had worked for the Bank of Scotland since leaving university in 1996.
  • He worked within various branches in different roles, dealing with thousands of different clients each year.
  • Banks were still very much in their heyday of lending as the financial crash happened 4 years after Alistair's death.
  • The year before his murder, he was promoted to lead a business banking team, responsible for securing loans to small businesses in Scotland.
  • He soon became bored and accepted another job with an environmental consultancy, it was during his two week notice period that Alistair was shot - is this a coincidence?
  • In the months after his murder, it was reported that Alistair was unhappy with his promotion and had taken it hard when a multi million pound loan for a business had fallen through - could the firm have plotted revenge on Alistair?
A photo of alistair looking happy before he was murdered
A photo of Alistair taken the day of the shooting.

  • Reports exist which highlight alleged connections with Alistair and gangland members in Glasgow.
  • One report states that Alistair had borrowed £50,000 from money lender within the criminal underworld.
  • Some suggest that he did not fully know what he was getting himself into.
  • When asked if Alistair was in any kind of financial trouble, police said "this is still a live investigation: we can't divulge that type of information."
  • Criminologists highlight that just like the criminal underworld, the corporate world is also motivation by the acquisition of power and profit.
  • The difference with the underworld is that criminals take an alternative approach to justice which is violence.

    Alistair looking happy in a work photo
    Alistair Wilson
Again, this is another confusing and complicated case, after analysing each theory and looking into what could've actually happened that fateful evening I've formed my own opinion on the case.

I think Alistair's profession has a huge part to play in his murder, as stated above the corporate world is very similar to the criminal underworld, and if Alistair was directly involved with both it could have been a dangerous combination. Although Alistair's wife said he didn't have any secrets, he could've borrowed money independently for a private business venture or something personal?

However this is only my opinion and for the purpose of the blog.

  • It should be highlighted that a month after Alistair's death, a council worker found a gun, down a drain not far from the crime scene.
  • It was a fairly rare gun to be found in the UK.
  • 12 years later, the same type of gun was found in Nairn (Alistair's home town).
  • In the same year, the same type of gun was found again in Nairn.
  • The police hope that these can help them learn more about the background of the murder weapon.
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